Paulette Bansal: Shutters III

from £220.00

Edition of 5
Image size: 27cm x 33cm
Framed size 42cm x 52cm

£300 framed
£220 unframed 🔴


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Paulette Bansal describes her practice as experimental, intuitive and ordered – all at the same time. Inspired by personal observation and experiences, Bansal reconstructs these memories to create her works. She is drawn to linear forms and blocks of colour in repetitive sequences. This work is one of a series of works based on consecutive visits to Bexley Square, Salford.

Bansal completed an MA Textile Design, Manchester Metropolitan University and has lectured in Art and Design. She is a member of Hot Bed Press, Salford.

Stephen Robson: Spring Tide, Wells
from £310.00
George Sfougaras: Gedling
Charlie Davies: Cow Parsley
Gemma Thompson: Untitled (soundscape)
Radek Husak: Mirrored XVI